I'll be the first one to admit, i have sometimes been less chivalrous towards woman than i should be. But i will also be the first to say that i do open doors for woman, and most of the time perform some sort of chivalrous act a day.
But what I'm asking is, are we not at all being courteous towards woman in the way they should be anymore? For instants, i was on the train ride home today from NYC and it was the 6:50 train and i knew this time to get there 20 Min's early to get a seat, so i wouldn't have to sit on the ground again. While the trains starts to load up and more and more people come on, it is full and no more seats left. Now I'm in a seat that apparently the designer of the seat thought that two premature babies could sit there, but i was in it all by myself, and actually pretty comfy. That was until i saw a woman standing up by the doorway looking out the window. Now i don't know if it was because her looking out the window was so sad, but i felt bad, so i got up out of my seat and said "excuse me ma'am, you can sit there" which she replied "Oh no,that's OK you are sitting", which i replied "Yeah but i have been sitting all day". She took the seat and i felt great about what i did. And I'm pretty sure she was happy also, i know i wouldn't want to stand in heels for more than an hour.
This made me think, what happened to standing up when a woman left the table, what happened to opening all doors for woman, what happened to giving them our seat so they can sit, what happened to making sure we took care of them. After all they are the reason why us men are here. Plus there is always a chance, if you do something nice....you can take her home hahaha :)