LoL, i have to start out with that because of the title of the subject. This man, who starred in such mega hits as:The Wrecking Crew(1969), Slaughter in San Fransisco(1974), and my personal favorite SideKicks(1992), is not known for any of these films. Chuck Norris is now known for all the one liners of what Chuck Norris is! I don't think that even Chuck Norris would have imagined that one day he would be as popular a person, but not for his profession.
I myself have somehow joined this rage, and now have a t-shirt with 'Chuckisms', and an application on my iPod touch, and i when I'm now confronted with a difficult situation(example: I'm walking through a dark alley in the city, and 5 ninjas jump down from the rooftop, all armed with swords) i ask myself WWCND? Talk about someone who was not appreciated in his own time, but another one for no reason.
Mainly the thing that is the funniest, after all the "isms" and all the jokes and even the advertising he did with mountain dew(which derived from his new found success), its all mocking him and his past acting gigs, but does he know this? And the better question is does he care?
I'm going to go out on the limb and say no. Long Live Chuck Norris!!
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