Sunday, May 31, 2009

In My Life...

Just the other day i was sitting at my computer reading the news on and all the bad stuff going on in the world today, and it clicked into my head. I'm 26 years old and i have seen some crazy stuff already.

I was 7 years old when The Desert Storm was started, i was 18 when the tragedy of September 11Th hit, and I'm 26 now with the swine flu, a minor depression, major automakers going under, and a impending nuclear war with North Korea. All of this stuff going on in the world right now, not just America is pretty intense. Granted we haven't been through "the great depression" or WWII or anything like that, but i honestly believe that what our generation has been through so far is just as tough to deal with and as emotionally and mentally straining.

Everywhere we turn there are new things to watch out for, new flu's, new diseases, new computer viruses and in the past 5 years of actually watching the news on t.v. i maybe have seen 15 good stories. There are good stories out there to be told, granted the bad totally outweighs the good, but if you want people to change their attitude in this world, you have to start showing them good things.

I realized in tough times like this, its always good to have a strong foundation(Example: Friends, Family)to keep you grounded and in reality, if we let each other get to far off track there is a good possibility we can never come back. All I'm saying is, look no further than your most recent call on your cell phone for a good person to talk to if you down, or a family member to email. Don't lose touch. Coming together is what makes us human, and what makes us stronger, so lets come together and overcome these problems, because in the end they are just speed bumps in a long highway we call life.

Monday, May 18, 2009

When Was The Last Time?

This is a good question for anyone that lives outside of a smog filled city like LA. When was the last time you looked up into the sky and didn't see one darn cloud? Sure more people go "wow not a cloud in the sky today" but they are exaggerating. I have maybe seen a total for 200 days without a cloud my whole life that i can remember, most of which when i was a young big mikey. And if you think about it, 200 days out of 9,490 is not that good of a percentage.

It has been happening more and more lately over the past 10 years, more and more days with a cloud filled sky. Sure in the morning sometimes its less, but by noontime or late afternoon the sky is just littered with Contrails. That's right airplane contrails.

I was never a skeptic of the reasons behind some of these contrails,I've always been drawn to them. When I see one above, I like to run my eye along its length until I find the plane, a tiny silver toy. I like to wonder at the blank space between the plane and the start of the contrail—emptiness full of potential—and then to see the churning new cloud as it forms, a tumbling cascade. When the roiling slows and the newborn cloud settles into a contrail proper, I admire its perfection: a straight white line sharply etched against the blue. Even when numerous contrails made fat by the wind crisscross the sky, I didn't mind.

Well, I might now. After a lifetime of enjoying contrails, it came as a surprise to me to learn recently that something so ephemeral may not be a harmless by-product of the jet age but may in fact impact the climate. This is of particular concern in well-traveled air corridors, where contrails by the hundreds can spread into man-made cirrus clouds that can both block sunlight from reaching the Earth and trap radiated heat from escaping to space. Many believe that the government is putting Air Force Jets into the sky's with microscopic aluminum based particles in their contrails. And have been ever since they discovered that's the earth might be heating up. The theory is that the reflective particles in the contrails would bounce some of the radiation and harmful sunlight back into space so is to not heat the planet anymore.

My Opinion: I for one would like to see a blue sky every once and a while again. And its estimated that the air traffic will double by 2050, which means it doesn't matter what i want. I find it hard to believe that the government is doing this, if they were i think they would do something that at least has an effect and clearly running a program like this has failed horribly. I just think its good old fashioned pollution, its funny because all talk about how our cars exhaust goes into the atmosphere, but yet our planes are right there doing the same, and if not more. So next time you see a perfect blue sky sit back and enjoy, chances are in 5 mins a jet is going to come by laughing and ruin your day. haha

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Dollar Bill Is So Overrated

With all the markets and world economies on a downward slop, some have pointed towards drastic and perhaps some outrageous ideas to turn things around, some even had the idea of a world currency, although highly unlikely it would be something to marvel at and it would raise the worth of the American dollar bill. The most realistic idea is the Amero. The idea for a North American currency union was first proposed in 1999 by Canadian economist Herbert G. Grubel. The idea of a common currency has historically been unpopular in English-speaking Canada, in comparison to the French-speaking province of Quebec where it has received more support. A 2001 opinion poll found that in Quebec over 50 percent of respondents favored the idea of a shared currency, while in the rest of Canada a majority of respondents opposed the idea.


The United States simply has too many advantages from the status quo to move toward a single currency. The United States dollar already acts as a global currency, meaning any transition to a 'new' currency would risk compromising this position and could cause a shift toward the euro, yen or yuan. The U.S. dollar is currently being used in over half of all the world's exports, double the total United States foreign trade. The adoption of the Amero could threaten the seigniorage that the U.S. currently gains from its dollar. While seignorage would still be gained from the Amero, this would be shared among the Bank of Canada, the Federal Reserve, and the Banco de México. Therefore, even if the Amero were used just as much as the U.S. dollar, the advantages would be shared among two or more countries, and not exclusively earned by the United States.

My Opinion:

This idea of a world currency is crazy, although i would love to see it, and maybe see what would happened with its worth, i just don't think its economically sound. But the Amero on the other hand is actually a good idea, to bring in two or more countries is worth it, not only would it expand our range with trading, but also the ability to stabilize the economy in times of a recession. The idea of having more than countries involved in a single currency is always a better option. Of course traditionalist would disagree saying something like "that un-American like" or " Get-r-done" haha Some times change is a good thing, with the way the world is going, i would say....lets keep and open mind OK.

Amero should have President Obama's face on it. Don't argue, we have Benjamin Franklin on a bill, and he was a dirty man who wasn't even president.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Its A Little Religulous

With quotes from major figureheads like Thomas Jefferson, George W. Bush and Osama Bin Laden, Bill Maher, with a Jewish-Catholic background, sets out to prove that having faith and seeking directions from God is basically ridiculous and may be due to a neurotic disorder. Interviewing Christians, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Mormons, scientists, gays, and atheists, he cites that the number of non-believers is increasing in North America. He attempts to prove his point by citing inconsistencies in the Bible, the controversial birth of Lord Jesus, the inability of religious heads to account for His absence for over 18 years, as well as the absence of any concrete evidence that disproves the theory of evolution.

I first saw this trailer almost 2 years ago and was immediately drawn to it. Others in the past have put together films and documentaries about whether Jesus was the son of god, or if he had risen from the dead. But this film doesn't do either, it questions people faith in GOD and Jesus Christ and The Bible. When it came out on DVD i got it and watched it, and it was everything i thought it would be, he asked people questions they couldn't answer, and it was funny to see people buckle under the pressure of the truth. His whole thing was to go around and promote doubt, and he did just that, and before i had watched his film i myself was in a little doubt and now am in even more doubt. He asked the question like "where is the actually proof that Jesus Christ existed, and if he did why did they write about him 18 years after he was crucified?" Wow that's a great question, and you know what....nobody could answer it.

The thing that caught my mind and attention was when he mentioned all the wars of the world past and present, and how 90% were caused directly by religion. That's ridiculous, something that was supposed to bring people together in a holy state has done nothing but pull people apart, using weapons and hateful words. Also do you think when Jesus was spreading his word of GOD, that he has imagined in the year 2009 the pope would live better than 70% of the people in this world? Living in a gaudy mansion with more rooms than a Vegas hotel, and more gold than Donald Trump's penthouse in Manhattan. I'm pretty sure that was not part of his message.

I'm not going around myself and putting down religion and beliefs and what standards people live by, all I'm asking is this....

How peaceful would our world be if there was not a shade of religion in it?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Aqua Bash: A Time Honored Tradition

With the success of the most recent Aqua Bash, which was held in New Paltz, NY. I start to look back on previous Aqua Bashs', and how they have not only changed the my life, but have changed the lives of others, if only for one night.

I remember when i first thought of Aqua Bash, i was in my pool and i had a couple of friends there. We were just shooting the shit and planning the summer ahead of us, when i had thought to myself "mike its time to throw a party to which the like nobody has seen". And it came to me after a few rum and cokes, and i knew the name "Aqua Bash", mainly because i wanted to it to be a pool party, and it just so happens i think only two people went down to the pool the first party, but I'm pretty sure not to go swimming, and it also rained every single Aqua Bash, so the aqua was always there just not how i imagined.

I really don't remember much of the first Aqua Bash, but i have some pictures that remind me. It was chill, layed back, and most of all everyone was just having a good time, drinking free alcohol. See that was the thing about Aqua Bash that i wanted to press the most, i paid for all the stuff, because i wanted people to just come to a party and not worry. And they did, all my friends came, and some of their friends came. The first Aqua Bash will go down in history as the starting point for something epic to follow.
From the first to the last we had a few more, nothing crazy or big. I even had a mid-winter blizzard bash. That was fun, people came over on a night that it was supposed to blizzard, and we all got trapped in my house, that was a lot of fun. Then there was some small get together's and outings, and some random mid-range parties. But nothing had warned me for what was about to happen next.

It was the beginning of spring 2006, i called together a few friends to start planning Aqua Bash 06'. It was to be our masterpiece, it was going to be our Sistine Chapel. With the eyes of the town burrowing down on us, we got to work. My friend and I built a tiki-bar that was so big he had to build some in the basement and some outside and then put them together on my back porch. My other two friends worked on the logo and advertising, this was the best party logo still to this day. It explained what Aqua Bash meant to me and meant to the people who came. The invitations were sent, via myspace and facebook. And one by one people began the hype, and it was looking to be big, and indeed it was.

The night started with a little pub crawl through the town of Cold Spring, with a superhero like move by one my close friends. Once again i do not remember much about what happened that night, but i do also have pictures to bring memories back. Let me just give you an understand of what at one point my house looked like, Living room: people were dancing and laughing, kitchen: was a mix between beer pong and flip cup,hallway: packed with people trying to get in, my room: people making out and looking at my turtles, and finally back porch: where there were buff men wearing just a bow tie around their necks serving my party guest. Now at this point it was pouring, but that didn't stop people. It was a party, and it was time to let loose.
What happened after that its hard to relive, the cops came with ambulance, took me out on a stretcher after dropping me down my stairs, the cops harassed my friends, went through my belongings, and trashed my house even more than it was. At this point one of my friend was running through my stream, on was throwing up in a box in my living room, one was sleeping in his jeep, and I'm pretty sure 50% of the rest were in the woods running from police. It was said to be the best 2 hour party ever thrown. And i would have to agree. After that night,Aqua Bash didn't stand for a party, is stood for a state of mind, i stood for a good time, Aqua Bash has changed the game.

And after thousands of dollars in court/lawyer fee's, and people going against me who i never thought would. I was done, my heart was not in it, i was tired and worn down from the legal process, i was told by local law enforcement to never have a party again. But you know what they say "Heroes Live Forever, But Legends Never Die" hahaha

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Moon To Soon?

Houston we have a problem.
The night of July 20th 1969, Americans as well as people worldwide sat in front of their TV sets in the early morning hours to catch a black and white grainy glimpse of Neil Armstrong climb carefully down the ladder of the Lunar Module and step out onto the surface of the Moon, the first man to have done so. And there it was a man 240,000 miles away walking on the moon. As he proclaimed "That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind". There is only one problem about this amazing story, is that its just that A STORY, and a well directed one in fact.
One has to look at our technology now, and look at it back them. Now well understood the governments have always had far superior technology than what us normal public have. But even then look at all the failed mission of the previous Apollo mission. Its reported that each mission had at least 20,000 faults in each. And if we had the knowing and technology back in 1969 to go to the moon and land and ride a souped up dune buggy around and hit golf balls off, then why do we have to wait another 3 years from now(2009) to even land on it? Have we lost our knowledge of the technology it takes to get there, or did we never really go. Did our government just fake it and make the scenes on a 'Top Secret' site in Hollywood, and in the deserts around Area 51.
Now I'm not a crazed conspiracy theorist, I'm just an average person who sees something that doesn't make sense and wonders how everyone else could believe it. I believe that if we all just sat back and took a few minutes to look over all the photos,videos,and transcripts of the conversations from Apollo 11, and NASA, we would have a better understand of what exactly happened up there.
In this video below you will see a tape that was banned from the TV sets and the eyes of the general public on that night, but was found by mistake in the National Archives(I don't think it was a mistake, someone wanted people to know). In this reel, you will see and hear the astronauts of the Apollo 11 spacecraft, Niel Armstrong,Michael Collins,and Edwin Aldrin JR, talk about techniques on how to film the earth and keep it in focus so is to not give off the image that they were just in Earth orbit and not 240,000 miles away. The 3 different reels are dated July 18th,19th,and 20th when they are supposed to be approaching and entering lunar orbit, but after watching you can clearly make out that they are just in EARTH's orbit, not Lunar orbit.

Please watch in full and keep an open mind.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Love or Loved

We all have been there, in a relationship. With someone who at the time, you couldn't live without. With someone who at the time, was your world. With someone who at the time, was your one and only. And then one day its over, it all comes crashing down like a pyroclastic cloud which crushes you to the very core, and at the moment you think its all over. Then it happens again, you fall in love, and you feel the same way you did before but now for another person.

But what happens when you fall so head over heels, when you can't stop thinking about that person day in and day out, when it scares the shit out of you that you can love another person this way, and when you hear that persons voice you smile from ear to ear no matter how crappy your day was. Its the person that you think is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen, and know that spending time with them would make you a better person. Its the person that you have no problem talking from sunset to sunrise with, and not even thinking about the time. Its the person that reminds you of the sweetest things like SKITTLES. Its the person who you tell is Beautiful because they deserve to hear the truth. And then you find out, well that person has another person. But I don't worry, i know what i have to offer, and i know that what i have is exactly what you need.

I'm a firm believer in love, and i know exactly how love feels. Love is a game of chase. What keeps a couple married for 45 years? what keeps that couple together till death do them part? its the chase. Its the not know exactly, and always what that other person wants. You may know 99.9% of the person you are with, but its that 00.1% that's keeps you coming back, its that % that makes the a man come home from work with flowers for his wife of 30 years. Because he needs to know, is this it? is this what you need? You have to be ready to go that extra mile when you think its enough, if she wants the moon, well you give her the moon.

If you love someone, don't let them go....just go that extra mile to show them how much you do, because in the end its so damn worth it.
Now my Favorite scene from the movie 'Love Actually'.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Internet Killed The TV Star

So did you do it also? Did you go out and spend over $1,000 on a new flat panel LCD or Plasma TV to watch stunning HD movies and shows on? Well i did, not to long ago got a 52'' Plasma TV, and now not to my surprise am watching TV shows like 'The Office' and 'House m.d.' on

I still do watch some shows on the TV, when I'm home in time or aren't doing anything, but its such a great luxury to not have to rush home just to make sure I don't miss either the beginning or end of the show or movie. Now with most cable providers putting DVR recorders on their plans, you can record up to 2 channels at a time, which is totally convenient. But still nothing better than watching it on the Internet whenever and forever.

Now with the release of Apples: Apple TV. You can download shows from iTunes on to the 'apple TV' and just plug it into your TV set and watch HD shows and movies without even turning on your cable box. Now that's something worth getting. believe me.

So the question is: Did the Internet kill the TV star?

My Answer- Maybe not as apparent right now, but i give it roughly 5 years and we will all have TV sets with Wifi or even high speed cable Internet already installed on them. Which is great, shows can stream a live feed, so no they haven't killed the TV star, but they better get on this bandwagon right now and enjoy the ride or else be left in the High Speed Dust!

Entourage: Season 6

In the fifth season finale Martin Scorsese offered Vince a lead in his upcoming re-envisioning of The Great Gatsby set in the Upper West Side of New York. Jamie Lynn-Sigler validated all of Turtle's claims by admitting the two of them were together; and they all cruised to Hollywood to celebrate the best moments of their lives together.

After the miserable failure of Medellin, the non-event of the Benji movie, the termination of Smoke Signals in the middle of production and Gus Van Sant's slowness to get involved, Vince seemed to be in even more danger than usual of becoming completely irrelevant by the end of the season. Will the Scorsese picture lead him to success and allow the series to go in a new direction? Or will he only slide further down the slope of celebrity stardom?

All i know, is this season is going to be great. Who doesn't love an underdog story. For a while Vince and the boys were riding high with money, cars, and big houses, but now they have to start from square one, almost like season 1. Should be great.

Like Vince always says "it will all work out, always does".

Sunday, May 3, 2009

2012-Time For a New Age

So NASA confirmed just a few weeks ago that in the year 2012 there will be a major storm of solar activity hitting our lovely Planet Earth. With this wave of solar storms, its believed that roughly 90% of our satellites and communication grids will be largely effected. That means that cell phones will lose service, computers will lose WiFi, and even worse countries might lose control of their defense communications.

This solar activity ties directly into the whole Doomsday 2012 scenario. What most people seem to overlook about what the Mayans mentioned was not that the world was going to end. Sorry no huge implosions or earth just slipping out of the milky way, although it would be fun...not going to happen sorry. What they say is it will be the "End of an Age", and if NASA is right, then yes in 2012 it will be the end of an age...the technological age. We also have to remember that most people are putting their beliefs in a civilization that decapitated their own people because they thought it would please the sun. haha

My Thoughts: I don't think it would be such a bad thing, granted there would be chaos for a while, but we have come so dependant on our devices that we have actually lost touch with reality, and i know it sounds like a contradiction because right now I'm using one of those devices to do this blog, but i honestly believe that it will help us. Maybe we will all stop and just for once in a long time listen to nature, and listen to mother earth and all its beauty. Maybe we can talk to one another in person because thats not done anymore, no horns, no sirens, no cell phones going off, no TV, no radio,....just pure silence besides the water hitting the rocks, or the birds flying above. So i say BRING IT ON SUN!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Kinetics & One Love=Epic Album

With where music is going these days, down a road filled with flashy jewelery, horrible lyrics, and even worse respect to the art of rap and hip-hop. It was finally a pleasure to listen to something that was both mentally and socially stimulating. With the release of his new album "Kinetic & One Love:Fading Back To Normal", the lyrical genius Kinetics took his talents to another level. Displaying a new age sound with a Nas like flow, this album in my opinion decimates all that are out on the shelves today. If you are looking for a breath of fresh air from your typical 'over the top' Rap and Hip-Hop, then be sure to pick up a copy of Kinetics & One Love: Fading Back To Normal.

You can contact him through, and pick up your copy today. Here is the link:

Yeah Right Chrysler, Your Not Even Ranked!

Chrysler's first hearing in a New York courtroom Friday morning may offer a clue about whether a quick, "surgical" bankruptcy is possible. The nation's third-largest automaker filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Thursday with an ambitious plan to emerge in as little as 30 days as a leaner, more nimble company.

And now after months on government life support, the federal government has agreed to give this clearly dying company 8 billion more tax payers dollars. I for one cannot stand this.

When Chrysler came out with a vehicle in 1924, they then had to ask the federal government for a loan then, I'm pretty sure that was a sign of things to come. Personally, I don't like the fact that we are keeping a company alive that hasn't made money since 1992, and all they have been doing is asking for federal loans, and the reason for this...corporate greed. The CEO's of these major automakers are getting paid way to much, and the little guy is the one getting fired when the company can't meet their budget.

Cut your loses and head home, sucks for the blue collar worker, but we are Americans and we built this great country on hard work and sweat. We didn't build America on sitting back and just taking handouts left and right and not having any responsibility for our actions. Goodbye Chrysler i don't even think a great company like Fiat can help you now.