With the success of the most recent Aqua Bash, which was held in New Paltz, NY. I start to look back on previous Aqua Bashs', and how they have not only changed the my life, but have changed the lives of others, if only for one night.
I remember when i first thought of Aqua Bash, i was in my pool and i had a couple of friends there. We were just shooting the shit and planning the summer ahead of us, when i had thought to myself "mike its time to throw a party to which the like nobody has seen". And it came to me after a few rum and cokes, and i knew the name "Aqua Bash", mainly because i wanted to it to be a pool party, and it just so happens i think only two people went down to the pool the first party, but I'm pretty sure not to go swimming, and it also rained every single Aqua Bash, so the aqua was always there just not how i imagined.
I really don't remember much of the first Aqua Bash, but i have some pictures that remind me. It was chill, layed back, and most of all everyone was just having a good time, drinking free alcohol. See that was the thing about Aqua Bash that i wanted to press the most, i paid for all the stuff, because i wanted people to just come to a party and not worry. And they did, all my friends came, and some of their friends came. The first Aqua Bash will go down in history as the starting point for something epic to follow.
From the first to the last we had a few more, nothing crazy or big. I even had a mid-winter blizzard bash. That was fun, people came over on a night that it was supposed to blizzard, and we all got trapped in my house, that was a lot of fun. Then there was some small get together's and outings, and some random mid-range parties. But nothing had warned me for what was about to happen next.
It was the beginning of spring 2006, i called together a few friends to start planning Aqua Bash 06'. It was to be our masterpiece, it was going to be our Sistine Chapel. With the eyes of the town burrowing down on us, we got to work. My friend and I built a tiki-bar that was so big he had to build some in the basement and some outside and then put them together on my back porch. My other two friends worked on the logo and advertising, this was the best party logo still to this day. It explained what Aqua Bash meant to me and meant to the people who came. The invitations were sent, via myspace and facebook. And one by one people began the hype, and it was looking to be big, and indeed it was.
The night started with a little pub crawl through the town of Cold Spring, with a superhero like move by one my close friends. Once again i do not remember much about what happened that night, but i do also have pictures to bring memories back. Let me just give you an understand of what at one point my house looked like, Living room: people were dancing and laughing, kitchen: was a mix between beer pong and flip cup,hallway: packed with people trying to get in, my room: people making out and looking at my turtles, and finally back porch: where there were buff men wearing just a bow tie around their necks serving my party guest. Now at this point it was pouring, but that didn't stop people. It was a party, and it was time to let loose.
What happened after that its hard to relive, the cops came with ambulance, took me out on a stretcher after dropping me down my stairs, the cops harassed my friends, went through my belongings, and trashed my house even more than it was. At this point one of my friend was running through my stream, on was throwing up in a box in my living room, one was sleeping in his jeep, and I'm pretty sure 50% of the rest were in the woods running from police. It was said to be the best 2 hour party ever thrown. And i would have to agree. After that night,Aqua Bash didn't stand for a party, is stood for a state of mind, i stood for a good time, Aqua Bash has changed the game.
And after thousands of dollars in court/lawyer fee's, and people going against me who i never thought would. I was done, my heart was not in it, i was tired and worn down from the legal process, i was told by local law enforcement to never have a party again. But you know what they say "Heroes Live Forever, But Legends Never Die" hahaha