We all have been there, in a relationship. With someone who at the time, you couldn't live without. With someone who at the time, was your world. With someone who at the time, was your one and only. And then one day its over, it all comes crashing down like a pyroclastic cloud which crushes you to the very core, and at the moment you think its all over. Then it happens again, you fall in love, and you feel the same way you did before but now for another person.
But what happens when you fall so head over heels, when you can't stop thinking about that person day in and day out, when it scares the shit out of you that you can love another person this way, and when you hear that persons voice you smile from ear to ear no matter how crappy your day was. Its the person that you think is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen, and know that spending time with them would make you a better person. Its the person that you have no problem talking from sunset to sunrise with, and not even thinking about the time. Its the person that reminds you of the sweetest things like SKITTLES. Its the person who you tell is Beautiful because they deserve to hear the truth. And then you find out, well that person has another person. But I don't worry, i know what i have to offer, and i know that what i have is exactly what you need.
I'm a firm believer in love, and i know exactly how love feels. Love is a game of chase. What keeps a couple married for 45 years? what keeps that couple together till death do them part? its the chase. Its the not know exactly, and always what that other person wants. You may know 99.9% of the person you are with, but its that 00.1% that's keeps you coming back, its that % that makes the a man come home from work with flowers for his wife of 30 years. Because he needs to know, is this it? is this what you need? You have to be ready to go that extra mile when you think its enough, if she wants the moon, well you give her the moon.
If you love someone, don't let them go....just go that extra mile to show them how much you do, because in the end its so damn worth it.
Now my Favorite scene from the movie 'Love Actually'.
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