Just the other day i was sitting at my computer reading the news on MSNBC.com and all the bad stuff going on in the world today, and it clicked into my head. I'm 26 years old and i have seen some crazy stuff already.
I was 7 years old when The Desert Storm was started, i was 18 when the tragedy of September 11Th hit, and I'm 26 now with the swine flu, a minor depression, major automakers going under, and a impending nuclear war with North Korea. All of this stuff going on in the world right now, not just America is pretty intense. Granted we haven't been through "the great depression" or WWII or anything like that, but i honestly believe that what our generation has been through so far is just as tough to deal with and as emotionally and mentally straining.
Everywhere we turn there are new things to watch out for, new flu's, new diseases, new computer viruses and in the past 5 years of actually watching the news on t.v. i maybe have seen 15 good stories. There are good stories out there to be told, granted the bad totally outweighs the good, but if you want people to change their attitude in this world, you have to start showing them good things.
I realized in tough times like this, its always good to have a strong foundation(Example: Friends, Family)to keep you grounded and in reality, if we let each other get to far off track there is a good possibility we can never come back. All I'm saying is, look no further than your most recent call on your cell phone for a good person to talk to if you down, or a family member to email. Don't lose touch. Coming together is what makes us human, and what makes us stronger, so lets come together and overcome these problems, because in the end they are just speed bumps in a long highway we call life.
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