Thursday, April 30, 2009

Amazing Photos

I came upon this photographer after reading about him on Instantly i was in love with his pictures. Visit his site.

Chuck Norris: Human?

LoL, i have to start out with that because of the title of the subject. This man, who starred in such mega hits as:The Wrecking Crew(1969), Slaughter in San Fransisco(1974), and my personal favorite SideKicks(1992), is not known for any of these films. Chuck Norris is now known for all the one liners of what Chuck Norris is! I don't think that even Chuck Norris would have imagined that one day he would be as popular a person, but not for his profession.

I myself have somehow joined this rage, and now have a t-shirt with 'Chuckisms', and an application on my iPod touch, and i when I'm now confronted with a difficult situation(example: I'm walking through a dark alley in the city, and 5 ninjas jump down from the rooftop, all armed with swords) i ask myself WWCND? Talk about someone who was not appreciated in his own time, but another one for no reason.

Mainly the thing that is the funniest, after all the "isms" and all the jokes and even the advertising he did with mountain dew(which derived from his new found success), its all mocking him and his past acting gigs, but does he know this? And the better question is does he care?

I'm going to go out on the limb and say no. Long Live Chuck Norris!!

What happend to Chivalry?

I'll be the first one to admit, i have sometimes been less chivalrous towards woman than i should be. But i will also be the first to say that i do open doors for woman, and most of the time perform some sort of chivalrous act a day.

But what I'm asking is, are we not at all being courteous towards woman in the way they should be anymore? For instants, i was on the train ride home today from NYC and it was the 6:50 train and i knew this time to get there 20 Min's early to get a seat, so i wouldn't have to sit on the ground again. While the trains starts to load up and more and more people come on, it is full and no more seats left. Now I'm in a seat that apparently the designer of the seat thought that two premature babies could sit there, but i was in it all by myself, and actually pretty comfy. That was until i saw a woman standing up by the doorway looking out the window. Now i don't know if it was because her looking out the window was so sad, but i felt bad, so i got up out of my seat and said "excuse me ma'am, you can sit there" which she replied "Oh no,that's OK you are sitting", which i replied "Yeah but i have been sitting all day". She took the seat and i felt great about what i did. And I'm pretty sure she was happy also, i know i wouldn't want to stand in heels for more than an hour.

This made me think, what happened to standing up when a woman left the table, what happened to opening all doors for woman, what happened to giving them our seat so they can sit, what happened to making sure we took care of them. After all they are the reason why us men are here. Plus there is always a chance, if you do something can take her home hahaha :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This Day in History

On this day in 1945, holed up in a bunker under his headquarters in Berlin, Adolf Hitler commits suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule and shooting himself in the head. Soon after, Germany unconditionally surrendered to the Allied forces, ending Hitler's dreams of a "1,000-year" Reich.

After looking back at this and remembering all that i had learned from high school and even teaching myself about this ruthless leader, i look to now. I'm looking at the world today, and I'm wondering in what ways has the world changed since Hitler was out of the picture? Have we come all that far, even now we are genetically cloning animals, and implanting certain sperm into woman based on what they want their children to look like. I'm not at all saying or implying that Hitler was right, without a doubt he deserved what ever he had coming his way, and i wished that he didn't cowardly kill himself so he could deal with the pain that his army and himself inflicted on over 6 millions Jew's. But like i asked before, have we come that far? are we not doing what Hitler wanted to do?
All I'm saying is, lets be who we are. Lets not try to make ourselves to what others accept, but what we accept ourselves to be.

HeadQuarters to Home

Its not everyday that I'm in the city, mainly because i have always been a hater of the city. I have not so much hated the travel down or the travel back, but once i got down there and realized how many people were in a rush to go nowhere. I despised people like that, people who would push and shove to get somewhere they should have been already, until i today became that person as i hustled from the exit of the Subway to Grand Central Terminal. Speed walking into the doors of G.C.T. i quickly looked at what track i was, and off i went into a light jog. I was the last person on the train, and it was packed, i had never seen so many people on that train. I lucked out though after standing/sweating next to a man who wore a suit because he wanted to look important i decided to sit in no other place but on the ground. First off i had to limbo under a phone charger cord while the man on the phone was texting, no worries I'm trained in the art of limbo, so i fell. Sitting in the place that was reserved for Handicapped/Disabled people, i was right at home, along side a empty can of Bass Ale that clearly was drank the night before and a open steel door with a sticker that read "Danger 400 Volts" . So i put on my headphones and listened to Counting Crows all the way to Cold Spring.